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President Message

After serving in Indian Air Force for three decades in various places and assignments, when I retired, I found myself a stranger in my own home town. No one knew me except few of my close friends and relatives, every place I visited appeared new to me and I found myself an alien in my own place. That’s the time I wished for an Organisation which could help me in resolving social issues faced by me while trying to settle myself in civil life. I am sure, most of the Armed Forces Personnel would have faced the same issues and would have felt the same.

Defence Officials Welfare Organisation (DOWO), is essentially the one such Social Service and non-profit making Organisation which has been formed with an objective of administering the welfare of armed forces personnel and their families, either during active service or after retirement. This Organisation has been registered under SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT OF 1860, NCT of Delhi. In India, social services are usually meant as those activities which are for furthering the people’s welfare and these include education, public health activities, social security measures, social insurance, social assistance, child welfare, corrections, mental hygiene, recreation, labour protection and housing etc.

Our Mission Provision of assistance to those Armed Forces personnel who are need of help in any area of social welfare measures. Uplift the socio-economic condition of the deprived segment of the population, especially the serving or retired members of Armed Forces and their families, through various integrated and sustainable development activities in rural and urban areas. Our Vision Endeavour to make this Organisation a single point of contact for the resolution of all issues faced by defence personnel and their families.

Goal & Objective To coordinate with other volunteer Organisation s and local government agencies to facilitate in implementing various developmental programmes from time to time and ensure to reduce, if not completely irradicate sufferings of the targeted people. To utilise the women's power and other unorganised sectors by providing basic skill development training and awareness to have their due share in the socio-economical, socio-political systems and to have a just society. To provide essential amenities such as shelter, food and clothing to the underprivileged, particularly elderly individuals, in coordination with concerned agencies. The Organisation actively engages in cultural programs to encourage national unity and cooperation in addressing economic, social, cultural and humanitarian issues. To encourage community development by establishing various facilities such as community halls, marriage housings, healthcare centres and educational institutions. I am very proud to be the part of this Organisation comprising a dedicated team of professionals who are ready to serve the needy personnel and their families selflessly and tirelessly with the sole aim of Social Service. I expect all the concerned people to wholeheartedly appreciate the efforts put in by the members of this Organisation in the area of social welfare and utilise the facilities provided thereby.

Thanking You,

Gp. Capt. Prabhakara (Retd.)
President, DOWO
New Delhi
Date: December 2023